Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Dulwich Community Council 28 January 7pm

The Dulwich Community Council meeting tomorrow evening will hear updates about some of the improvements Southwark is planning to streets in our area. This will include information about "Quietways" - a network of calm pleasant streets to encourage sustainable travel -  as well as updates on junction schemes in our area. 

There will also be an update about the Townley Road/ East Dulwich Grove/ Green Dale junction. Following local consultation, the council is looking again at their plans to try to design a scheme which prioritises walking and cycling, while retaining the right turn from Townley Road to East Dulwich Grove. We hope that TfL, Southwark and the Dulwich community can work together to find a solution which allows children walking and cycling to cross the junction separately from motor traffic.  

To inform future plans and priorities, Southwark's website has several interactive maps where you can comment on junctions or routes. If there are parts of your child's journey to school which are particularly busy, difficult or unpleasant - whichever mode of transport they use - please highlight these on Southwark's interactive maps, along with any suggestions for improvements:

Southwark Quietways

Southwark Cycling Strategy consultation

Friday, 9 January 2015

Townley Road junction - open meeting

There is some ongoing local confusion and concern about the implications of Southwark's plans to improve the junction at Townley Road/ East Dulwich Grove/ Greendale. This junction will be discussed at the Dulwich Community Council meeting on 28th January 7-9pm.

We also thought it would be helpful to get together in advance to talk through the issues and agree a positive way forward. Please come along if you are interested: Saturday 17th at 3pm, at St Barnabas Hall (corner of Gilkes Place).