Thursday, 26 February 2015

Townley Road/ East Dulwich Grove reconsultation

Southwark officers have reworked the design for the Townley Road/ East Dulwich Grove/ Greendale junction, taking into account comments and suggestions from local people. Have your say on the 're-consultation' by 13 March. 

Please support Southwark in its important work to help make walking and cycling easy, quick and sensible options for all children. Fewer cars on the school run would benefit us all.
We particularly welcome the shorter and more direct pedestrian crossings, and separate traffic lights for cycles to allow children to set off through the junction without being intimidated and endangered by motor vehicles turning across their path. 

This is a busy junction with 1,450 child pedestrian movements between 8 and 9 each morning, as well as a committed and confident minority who cycle. Improving this junction will also benefit those children who won't or don't choose to walk or cycle in current conditions. 
There will be an exhibition of the proposals at St Barnabas Hall, Dulwich Village from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, February 28; do go along and ask questions if you are interested.
The proposals will then be presented to the Dulwich Community Council on Tuesday March 17. Subject to approval, works could take place during the summer holidays.