Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Meeting this evening

There's an open meeting this evening with Andrew Gilligan from the Mayor of London's office - discussing ideas and next steps to improve cycle routes in and around Dulwich. 

6.30 at the Herne Hill Methodist Hall in Half Moon Lane. Agenda below.

Tuesday, 8 September 2015

Quietways in Dulwich?

Lambeth and Southwark Councils and Transport for London are proposing a Quietway running from Greendale via Calton Avenue and Turney Road into Rosendale Road and up to Gipsy Hill. There is an opportunity for all of us to help create peaceful pleasant streets where children can travel independently. Designs might include measures to reduce motor traffic speed or volume to enable this.

There are no detailed proposals yet, but plenty of opportunity to have a say in plans which might affect traffic and parking in Dulwich. You can give your views to Southwark here. 
Sustrans is leading the community engagement process for this work, and is keen to hear from residents about how we can solve traffic problems in our area and ensure pleasant streets for us to live in.  
All are welcome to discuss potential changes and share view and ideas to inform Southwark and Lambeth plans, by attending any of the following meetings. (Meeting info updated below). 

Dulwich Society Public meeting - all welcome
  • Saturday 19 September, 2.00pm-4.00pm – St Barnabas Church Community Suite, 40 Calton Avenue, SE21 7DG
Dulwich/Lambeth Quietway (Southwark)    Turney Road/Calton Avenue

Quietway walkabouts “to visit the route together at peak times”: 
  • Thursday 17th September, 8:00-9.30am/3.00-4.30pm/5.30-7.00pm - meet Calton Ave/Townley Road Junction
Quietway workshops
First two workshops:
“to begin focused discussions on possible design solutions, attendance is only required for one, the format will be the same for each”: 
  • Wednesday 23 September, 6.30pm-8.30pm - Southwark Community Sports Trust Pavilion, Turney Road, SE24 9HP
  • Saturday 26 September, 11.00am- 1.00pm - St Barnabas Parish Hall, Gilkes Place, SE21 7BT
Concept Design workshop:
“narrowing down the options and coming to a consensus”: 
  • Saturday 3 October, 1.00pm-3.00pm - St Barnabas Church Community Suite, 40 Calton Avenue, SE21 7DG
Dulwich/Lambeth Quietway (Lambeth)
Rosendale Road/Clive Road/Gipsy Hill

The consultations dates are as follows:

First Workshop (information gathering drop in)
“will be focused on sharing information. Sustrans will present the Quietway programme, listen to residents’ experiences of what is currently happening on local roads, and discuss how a reduction in travelling through the area might be best achieved”
  • Wednesday 30 September, 5.00pm-8.00pm – All Saints Church , Lovelace Rd, SE21 8JY
Second Workshop (co-design workshop)
“an opportunity for residents to explore and develop a range of ideas in collaboration with engineers”
  • Saturday 10 October, 10.30am–1.00pm - All Saints Church , Lovelace Rd, SE21 8JY
Third Workshop (co-design workshop)
“an additional opportunity for residents to explore and develop a range of ideas in collaboration with engineers”
  • Wednesday 14 October, 5.00pm-7.30pm – All Saints Church , Lovelace Rd, SE21 8JY
Fourth Workshop (feedback concept showcase)
“Sustrans will present a shortlist of variable concept designs”:
  • Saturday 24 October, 10.30am-2.30pm - All Saints Church , Lovelace Rd, SE21 8JY
‘Cycling in Dulwich’ - to include route of Southwark Spine
The following two meetings will cover the same ground, so no need to attend both
  • Tuesday 13 October, 6.30pm-8.30pm - Kingswood House, Seeley Drive, London SE21 8QN
NB: Book on Eventbrite
  • Wednesday 4 November, 6.30pm-8.30pm - Herne Hill Methodist Church Hall, 155 Half Moon Lane, London SE24 9TG
NB: Book on Eventbrite

Tuesday, 5 May 2015

Route planning

When you take a look at Dulwich from the air, the amount of green space is staggering. What a fantastic place to live, work or go to school.

Something you can’t see from such a zoomed out view is the mad rush of our school run, where >10,000 children cross a 2.5 mile radius each morning. It can be stressful and uncomfortable trying to negotiate busy streets where everyone is in a hurry.

To help more families plan active journeys to school or around the local area we have developed a route-planning map. 

The best way of using this is to have a careful look as a family, and talk to others about how they walk or cycle to school, so you can find out others' hidden gems and work out which suit you. 

The map shows safe crossing points - including those staffed by crossing patrols who do a great job of keeping an eye out for our children, particularly those travelling alone. 

We've also tried to capture some of the local knowledge of cut through routes that offer an alternative to busy, polluted roads. These include the many routes through local parks and green spaces. 

If you have to drive occasionally we hope you will consider one of the suggested ‘park and stride’ locations to reduce congestion and motor traffic danger near the school gates. 

The map has been developed by the Safe Routes to school group, with support from the Dulwich Community Council, as part of our work to promote safe, healthy and environmentally friendly journeys to school. 

We continue to support plans across London to reallocate road space to create areas where children can walk and cycle without having to worry about sharing a road with cars, buses and lorries. 

In the meantime, if you have a careful look you might already be able to achieve a pollution-free, traffic-free route that's quick, pleasant and easy for some of your regular journeys through Dulwich - and leave the car at home more often.

Thursday, 26 February 2015

Townley Road/ East Dulwich Grove reconsultation

Southwark officers have reworked the design for the Townley Road/ East Dulwich Grove/ Greendale junction, taking into account comments and suggestions from local people. Have your say on the 're-consultation' by 13 March. 

Please support Southwark in its important work to help make walking and cycling easy, quick and sensible options for all children. Fewer cars on the school run would benefit us all.
We particularly welcome the shorter and more direct pedestrian crossings, and separate traffic lights for cycles to allow children to set off through the junction without being intimidated and endangered by motor vehicles turning across their path. 

This is a busy junction with 1,450 child pedestrian movements between 8 and 9 each morning, as well as a committed and confident minority who cycle. Improving this junction will also benefit those children who won't or don't choose to walk or cycle in current conditions. 
There will be an exhibition of the proposals at St Barnabas Hall, Dulwich Village from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, February 28; do go along and ask questions if you are interested.
The proposals will then be presented to the Dulwich Community Council on Tuesday March 17. Subject to approval, works could take place during the summer holidays. 

Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Dulwich Community Council 28 January 7pm

The Dulwich Community Council meeting tomorrow evening will hear updates about some of the improvements Southwark is planning to streets in our area. This will include information about "Quietways" - a network of calm pleasant streets to encourage sustainable travel -  as well as updates on junction schemes in our area. 

There will also be an update about the Townley Road/ East Dulwich Grove/ Green Dale junction. Following local consultation, the council is looking again at their plans to try to design a scheme which prioritises walking and cycling, while retaining the right turn from Townley Road to East Dulwich Grove. We hope that TfL, Southwark and the Dulwich community can work together to find a solution which allows children walking and cycling to cross the junction separately from motor traffic.  

To inform future plans and priorities, Southwark's website has several interactive maps where you can comment on junctions or routes. If there are parts of your child's journey to school which are particularly busy, difficult or unpleasant - whichever mode of transport they use - please highlight these on Southwark's interactive maps, along with any suggestions for improvements:

Southwark Quietways

Southwark Cycling Strategy consultation

Friday, 9 January 2015

Townley Road junction - open meeting

There is some ongoing local confusion and concern about the implications of Southwark's plans to improve the junction at Townley Road/ East Dulwich Grove/ Greendale. This junction will be discussed at the Dulwich Community Council meeting on 28th January 7-9pm.

We also thought it would be helpful to get together in advance to talk through the issues and agree a positive way forward. Please come along if you are interested: Saturday 17th at 3pm, at St Barnabas Hall (corner of Gilkes Place).