Monday 13 January 2020

Healthy Streets for All

This Saturday, January 18th, Croydon Living Streets Group are hosting a community meeting called 'Healthy Streets for All'.  The event is being hosted by Tiffany Lam, a consultant at the New Economics Foundation specialising in sustainable cities.

Before moving to London, Tiffany worked as a research advisor at the National Safe Routes to School Partnership in Washington. You can read the blogs she wrote on making walking and cycling to school safer, healthier and more attractive online here.

Laurie Johnston of our own Safe Routes group will be joining the panel event on Saturday alongside Cllrs. Stephen Mann and Stuart King, where the discussion will also include the work Cllr. King has done on the School Streets programme in Croydon.

If you are interested in learning more about how communities can call for safer, greener, healthier travel options, please do come along and join the conversation.

You can find more information via the booking page at

Image: Croydon Living Streets Group